Michigan Sonographers' Society

Current Board & Committee Members


Erica Wiencek B.S., RDMS (AB, BR, OB/GYN), RVT

is a general sonographer, adjunct professor, and ultrasound physics tutor. Shortly after she graduated from Grand Valley State University, she joined the MSS as the Media Coordinator. She recently participated in the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography’s Emerging Leaders Program gaining skills in leadership and volunteerism which she hopes to apply to working with the MSS. Erica has also been published in the Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Her special interests include research, mentorship, and advocacy within the sonographic field.

Vice President

Emily Kline, RDMS (AB, BR, OB/GYN), RVT

is a general sonographer at Trinity Health. While a student in Grand Valley State University’s sonography program, she joined the MSS after learning about potential opportunities through GVSU alumni and MSS member Erica Wiencek. She volunteered throughout her time in the sonography program within the sonography lab and within the community to further her experience in the field. Her special interests include mentorship and potential teaching opportunities within the field of sonography.


Trisha Lennox RDMS (AB, BR, OB/GYN)

Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you! I have extensive experience and involvement in the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. My roles in both clinical practice and education indicate my deep commitment to advancing the profession and ensuring high standards of patient care. I feel that my involvement in this field would make me a great candidate for the Secretary position for the Michigan Sonographers Society. My work as an Adjunct Instructor at Lansing Community College is incredibly rewarding, as I can shape the next generation of sonographers and radiologic technologists.


Mariane Kasza RT(R), RDMS

is a graduate of the Schools of Radiologic Technology and Diagnostic Medical Sonography from Providence Hospital. I am registered in Radiologic Technology and Diagnostic Medical Sonography in Abdominal and OB/GYN. I have worked in the field for over 35 years and have been an MSS and SDMS member for almost the same amount of time. I have previously served as the MSS Treasurer from 2014 – 2018. I look forward to serving again and to celebrate the 50th anniversary in 2025.

Media Coordinator

 Liz Lawrence RDMS, RDCS, RVT

has over 40 years in the field of Sonography. Her career has included 15 years as a manufacturers’ representative, supervisory & management roles in the large medical centers, and presently is owner of a staffing company specializing in placing imaging professionals. She is a graduate of Oklahoma University Health Sciences DMS Program in 1975. Immediately after graduation, she co-founded the Michigan Sonographer’s Society in December 1975. She published the first Registry Review Manual to help sonographers prepare for the ARDMS exam between 1979-1981. Currently, she teaches ultrasound physics at Oakland Community College and Carnegie Institute.

The History of the MSS

Three Sonographers working in Metro Detroit attended the 1975 ASUTS (Now known as SDMS) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This was the first national sonographers meeting for Linda O’Donnell, Rachelle Karol, and Liz Lawrence.  These three individuals were inspired to organize a state-wide professional society, so other sonographers in Michigan could have access to high-quality continuing education close to home.  The first Michigan Sonographers’ Society meeting was held at Hutzel Hospital in December 1975 with approximately twenty attendees.

A steering committee guided the MSS during the first year while the Constitution and Bylaws were written and organizational policy was established.  The First Spring Symposium was held at Oakwood Hospital in March 1976.  The first officers were elected in the fall of 1977.  Long before the ARDMS required CME, the MSS offered “MSS credits” so members could document to employers their dedication to the field.

Co-founders – Rachelle Karol, Linda O’Donnell, Liz Lawrence

Since the first symposium in 1976 the MSS has hosted distinguished speakers from all over the country and internationally. We are recognized for the quality of our meetings and the supportive participation by our membership. Forty years later, we communicate by email with over 600 sonographers in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana as well as our Canadian Neighbors. Our Society continues to be a progressive and dynamic organization with an active membership of 200-300 professionals at any given time.

First Meeting Attendees The MSS Today

The First 15 Years

Take a walk down memory lane with the MSS from 1975 to 1990

Michigan Sonographers' Society

Fine Tuning the Skills and Careers of Sonographers in Michigan since 1975


6256 Lahser Rd Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

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